Krishnanand Sivaraj

Some Learnings on types

Playing with custom types Apart from the primitive types offered by types, we have the flexibility to create our own types in TS. While it has its benefits I found out few concepts that will bett...

Chapter 8 - Iterating and testing

Chapter 8 - Iterating and testing The first step in writing good software is to make sure your application works like the customer expects and wants it to. Customers don’t usually care about ...

Chapter 7 - Design Principles

Chapter 7 : Design Principles The Open-Closed Principle keeps your software reusable, but still flexible, by keeping classes open for extension but closed for modification. With classes doing...

Chapter 6 - Architecture

Chapter 6 : Architecture Architecture helps you turn all your diagrams, plans and feature lists into well-ordered application. The features in your system that are most important to your proj...

Chapter 5 - Solving really big problem

Chapter 5 : Solving really big problem You solve big problems the way you solve small problems. The best way to look at a big problem is to see it as lots of individual pieces of functionalit...

Chapter 3 - Requirements change

Chapter 3 : Requirements change A complete path through a usecase from the first step to the last is called a scenario. Most usecases have several different scenarios but they always shar...

Chapter 4 - Analysis and Design

Chapter 4 : Analysis and Design Analysis helps your system work in a real-world context. Pay attention to the nouns in the usecase. Those are the classes you need to write and focus on i...

Chapter 1 - How to write great software

Chapter 1 : How to write great software There are 3 rules to say a software is good Rule # 1 : win your customer by coding the software on what it is supposed to do. Rule # 2 : Great softwar...

Chapter 2 - Gathering Requirements

Chapter 2 : Gathering Requirements In the previous chapter, the author insists winning the customer is the most important part of good software. How do you figure out what the customer really...

Chapter 0 - OOA&D Introduction

Head First Object Oriented Analysis and Design As software professionals we always create and maintain software every day. Some codebases are easy for everyone to work with, add new features, but...

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